
Ron Legrand – Lease Option Cash Flow System


In my complete Lease/Option Cash-Flow System you’ll learn the exact same methods that Lorrain and her husband, Gary, used, plus you’ll get important agreements and special paperwork that go with this profitable business.

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Ron Legrand - Lease Option Cash Flow System

Ron Legrand – Lease Option Cash Flow System

In my complete Lease/Option Cash-Flow System you’ll learn the exact same methods that Lorrain and her husband, Gary, used, plus you’ll get important agreements and special paperwork that go with this profitable business. I will teach you the essential techniques that’ll get you into business the right way:

• Why selling a Lease/Option is the easiest part of the business if you work with the right houses and do the right things.

• How to attract more occupants than you’ll ever be able to supply.

•  How to have people waiting in line for you to find them a house, and stay tied to you until you do!

•  How to handle defaults, and why you should never have any. (why you’ll celebrate if you do!)

•  How to protect yourself going in and out to avoid costly problems.

•  How to get more from tenant/buyers monthly and make them eager to pay.

•  How to eliminate physically showing a house ever again.

• You’ll also learn all the advantages for the seller and your buyer (I’ve only touched on the buyer’s benefits here … suffice it to say you will have more buyers wanting to give you cash than you can imagine.)


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