
Margaret Wehrenberg and Reid Wilson and Jennifer L. Abel and Judy Belmont and Mary NurrieStearns – Anxiety and Depression Online Conference


This follow-along yoga session will show you powerful yoga and meditation tools that you can teach clients to heal depression. Good for body and mind, this one hour video begins with an encouraging…

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Margaret Wehrenberg and Reid Wilson and Jennifer L. Abel and Judy Belmont and Mary NurrieStearns - Anxiety and Depression Online Conference

Margaret Wehrenberg and Reid Wilson and Jennifer L. Abel and Judy Belmont and Mary NurrieStearns – Anxiety and Depression Online Conference

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It’s hard to help our clients overcome anxiety and depression.

The time we have with our clients is brief, and the interventions we offer have to combat thousands of negative thoughts they’ll experience when they’re outside of our offices — thoughts that can lead to spirals of worry and panic that can ruin their lives.

We need effective, proven techniques that our clients can use on their own to overcome these two incredibly common disorders.

That’s why we’ve brought together leading experts Margaret Wehrenberg, Reid Wilson, Judith Belmont, Jennifer Abel and more, for this Anxiety and Depression Online Conference.

Through 5 information packed sessions, you’ll learn powerful, practical techniques from evidence-based approaches, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Mindfulness, Somatic Exercises, Yoga, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Schema Therapy. These are strategies you can immediately apply with your clients — so they can heal and maintain mind and body well-being.

Revolutionize Your Ability to Treat Anxiety and Depression
In this comprehensive course, you’ll learn simple, practical strategies to stop spirals of worrying, lower stress, and eliminate symptoms of panic and social anxiety…strategies that you can immediately teach to your clients.

Session 1

The Ten Best-Ever Anxiety Treatment Techniques
Featuring Margaret Wehrenberg, PsyD
Using neuroscience to overcome anxiety
These 10 proven methods, developed from the latest insight into the science of the brain, will give you a complete set of tools to work with anxiety symptoms. Through case examples and in-seminar demonstrations, you’ll learn how to effectively use diaphragmatic breathing, reducing tension and mindful awareness techniques to offset panic and acute anxiety with different age groups. Help your clients identify and change the ways they avoid their social anxiety.In this session, you’ll discover how to…
  • Apply proven techniques, even in difficult cases
  • Implement the strategies with different age groups
  • Help clients who have co-morbid diagnoses
  • Use these techniques with groups or individuals and in different types of psychological services: private practice, hospital units, classrooms, nursing facilities, etc.

Session 2

Mastering the Anxiety Game: Teaching Clients to Welcome Their Fears
Featuring Reid Wilson, PhD
Learn a Revolutionary, Cognitive Therapy Approach to Overcoming Anxiety
Growing evidence shows that the quickest, most effective approach to treating anxiety involves instructing clients to ramp up their fears while telling themselves how much they welcome the experience. In this session, cognitive therapy expert Reid Wilson will teach you how to help clients shift their relationship with their fears and override the responses that perpetuate them.In this session, you’ll…
  • Learn from in-session clips how to overcome panic, social anxiety disorder, phobias, generalized anxiety and OCD
  • Discover what maintains anxiety symptoms
  • Help clients install a protocol that they can use for their whole lives

Session 3

Anxiety, Worry & Panic: Effective Strategies to Calm the Anxious Mind
Featuring Jennifer Abel, PhD
Overcoming anxiety and worry through Mindfulness, CBT, Somatic Exercises, Schema Therapy and ACT therapy techniques
This information-packed session will teach you how to assess clients’ anxious habits, symptoms and behaviors with evidence-based strategies that are effective with even your toughest clients. Learn how to catch the anxiety spiral early to significantly reduce the habit of worry and panic using self-controlled desensitization. Master evidence-based treatments, from mindfulness to cognitive therapy, that can help your clients problem solve, reduce tension and increase energy. Make a positive change in your professional life, as well as your clients, by learning key strategies that have helped thousands of clients.In this session, you’ll learn…
  • Over 60 techniques to treat anxiety, worry and panic
  • To identify 5 treatment pitfalls and discover evidence-based approaches to correct them
  • To melt panic and anxiety with innovative mindfulness strategies
  • Recognize and stop negative reinforcement of panic, worry and fear of guilt

Session 4

33 Tips and Tools for the Depression Toolbox: Using CBT, DBT, Mindfulness and ACT
Featuring Judith Belmont, MS, NCC, LPC
Using CBT, DBT, Mindfulness and ACT to treat Depression
Combat your client’s depression with innovative strategies such as cost vs. benefits analysis, the vertical downward technique, cognitive defusion, mindfulness visualizations and emotional regulation practices. Discover how to incorporate homework, mood logs and diaries in your between session treatment. You will also receive valuable handouts and diary/log samples to help your client track their moods, thoughts, and their progress.

Session 5

A Mindful Yoga Practice for Healing Depression
Featuring Mary NurrieStearns, LCSW, RYT
Powerful Yoga Session Specially Designed for Healing Depression and Preventing Relapse
This follow-along yoga session will show you powerful yoga and meditation tools that you can teach clients to heal depression. Good for body and mind, this one hour video begins with an encouraging and educational introduction then moves into a guided practice featuring four practitioners who demonstrate modifications so you can choose poses most appropriate for you. Carefully instructed, this session teaches you to focus on breathing, witness thoughts, be aware of the present moment, enjoy simple movement and use your imagination for healing.

Meet the Course Experts:

Margaret Wehrenberg, PsyD, a licensed clinical psychologist, is the author of 6 books on the treatment of anxiety and depression, including her most recent book for the general public, The 10 Best Anxiety Busters. An expert on the treatment of anxiety and depression, she also has extensive training and expertise in the neurobiology of psychological disorders. She earned her M.A. specializing in psychodrama and play therapy with children. Dr. Wehrenberg has years of experience as a drug and alcoholism counselor, working with the U.S. Army in Germany and Lutheran Social Services in Illinois. She also has training in trauma treatment, EMDR and Thought Field Therapy. She has a private psychotherapy practice in Naperville, IL , specializing in treating anxiety. As a consultant, she is a sought after speaker for continuing education seminars, consistently getting the highest ratings from participants for her dynamic style and high quality content.

In addition to clinical work, she coaches business professionals on managing anxiety, she frequently contributes articles for The Psychotherapy Networker magazine, and she has produced Relaxation for Tension and Worry, a CD for breathing, muscle relaxation and imagery to use with anxious clients. Her book The 10 Best-Ever Anxiety Management Techniques, published by W.W. Norton, is a consistent top seller for anxiety management. You can find her on the web at www.margaretwehrenberg.com.

Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Margaret Wehrenberg maintains a private practice. She is an author with W.W. Norton publishing and receives royalties. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Margaret Wehrenberg is a member of the American Psychological Association and the Anxiety Disorder Association of America.

Reid Wilson, PhD, is a licensed psychologist who directs the Anxiety Disorders Treatment Center in Chapel Hill and Durham, NC. He is also Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. He is author of the just-released Stopping the Noise in Your Head: The New Way to Overcome Anxiety and Worry and the classic self-help book Don’t Panic: Taking Control of Anxiety Attacks. He is co-author of Stop Obsessing! How to Overcome Your Obsessions and Compulsions, as well as Anxious Kids, Anxious Parents: 7 Ways to Stop the Worry Cycle and Raise Courageous & Independent Children.

Dr. Wilson is a Founding Clinical Fellow of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) and Fellow of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT). In 2014, he was honored with the ADAA’s Jerilyn Ross Clinician Advocate Award — the highest national award in his field. He designed and served as lead psychologist for American Airlines’ first national program for the fearful flier and currently serves as the expert for WebMD’s Panic and Anxiety Community.

Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Reid Wilson is the director at the Anxiety Disorders Treatment Center. Dr. Wilson is an adjunct associate professor of psychiatry at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. He receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Nonfinancial: Reid Wilson is a Founding Clinical Fellow of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA); and Fellow of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT).

Jennifer L. Abel, PhD, international speaker, author and clinical psychologist, has specialized in the treatment of anxiety disorders for over 20 years. Before opening a private practice, she served as the associate director of the Stress and Anxiety Disorders Institute at Penn State under the direction of the leading expert in Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), T.D. Borkovec.

Her first book, Active Relaxation (Self-Published, 2010) has received outstanding reviews from mental health care professionals and anxious readers alike. Her second book, Resistant Anxiety, Worry, and Panic: 86 Practical Treatment Strategies for Clinicians (PESI, 2014), has received praise from top experts in anxiety management. Jennifer is also the author of The Anxiety, Worry & Depression Workbook: 65 Exercises, Worksheets & Tips to Improve Mood and Feel Better (PESI, 2018) and the Melt Worry and Relax Card Deck: 56 CBT & Mindfulness Strategies to Release Anxiety (PESI, 2016).

Dr. Abel has published many articles in professional journals and wrote a pamphlet about GAD for ABCT. She has been quoted by several popular magazines (e.g., Health, Prevention, Glamour) for her expertise in Worry. Dr. Abel presents to the public (e.g., Working Women’s Survival Show), as well as professionals (e.g., Australian Psychological Society; Anxiety Disorder Association of America).

Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Jennifer Abel is in private practice. She receives compensation as a self-published author. Jennifer Abel receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Nonfinancial: Jennifer Abel has no relevant nonfinancial relationship to disclose.

Judy Belmont, MS, has been a psychotherapist for 35 years, with a focus on practical, psycho-social and psycho-educational skills training. She is the author of PESI’s popular 4 book series, 86 TIPS for the Therapeutic Toolbox (Treatment Ideas & Practical Strategies) (PESI, 2006), 103 Group Activities and TIPS (PESI, 2006), 127 More Amazing TIPS & Tools for the Therapeutic Toolbox (PESI, 2013), and 150 More Group Therapy Activities & TIPS (PESI, 2016), which offers practical, action-oriented strategies to help people develop healthy life skills. Judy is the author of the Anxiety and Stress Solution Deck (PESI, 2019) as well.

She is also co-author of the self-help book The Swiss Cheese Theory of Life. (Premier Publishing & Media, 2011). Judy is a national speaker on various mental health and wellness topics for a variety of populations, including mental health professionals, women’s conferences and expos and as well as workplace wellness programs. She maintains a private practice in Allentown, PA.

Mary NurrieStearns, MSW, LCSW, C-IAYT, teaches seminars and retreats to teach clinicians how to take mindfulness skills, brain-based protocols for treating shame and office-based yoga back to their clients. These evidence-based clinical interventions move therapy forward by improving emotional regulation, restoring healthy nervous system functioning and cultivating healthier thought patterns. Both mindfulness and yoga practices have brought healing and calm to Mary’s clients and students.

Mary provides participants with the latest research results and pulls together the work of experts in the mental health field who are proponents of both practices (i.e. Bessel van der Kolk, Jon Kabat-Zinn). She draws on 37 years as a mental health professional counselor and 27 years of meditation and yoga practice. She is a certified yoga therapist, seasoned yoga teacher and ordained member of Thich Naht Hahn’s Order of Interbeing.

Mary is the author of Healing Anxiety, Depression and Unworthiness: 78 Brain-Changing Mindfulness & Yoga Practices (PESI, 2018), Yoga for Anxiety with Rick NurrieStearns (New Harbinger, 2010), Yoga for Emotional Trauma with Rick NurrieStearns (New Harbinger, 2013), Yoga Mind – Peaceful Mind, with Rick NurrieStearns (New Harbinger, 2015), and Daily Meditations for Healing and Happiness: 52 Card Deck (PESI, 2016). Mary is the co-editor of Soulful Living (Hci, 1999) and former editor of Personal Transformation magazine. She has produced DVDs on yoga for emotional trauma and depression. Mary teaches across the United States.

Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Mary NurrieStearns maintains a private practice. She receives royalties as an author for New Harbinger’s Publishing. Ms. NurrieStearns receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Mary NurrieStearns has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.


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