
Anodea Judith – The Love – Powered Evolutionary


Each teaching, contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to embody more enlightened living in a spirit of collaboration, wisdom, and love.

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Anodea Judith – The Love – Powered Evolutionary

Anodea Judith - The Love - Powered Evolutionary

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

Each teaching, contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to embody more enlightened living in a spirit of collaboration, wisdom, and love.

What you’ll discover in these seven sessions:

An overarching vision for who we are and where we’re going
An understanding of your own initiation and what’s coming down on the planet
A set of tools for navigating the challenges of change
A deeper way of accessing all your energy centers
An expanded capacity for an awakened heart
A growing community of heart-based change agents
A sense of hope for humanity’s ultimate destination
A deeper understanding of your divine destiny

Module 1:
The Great Awakening: How You Can Be Part of It

Humanity is shifting paradigms in nearly every aspect of civilization, and these shifts have tremendous impact on our personal lives. Like an initiation, we are being challenged to awaken to a wiser and more loving state of being. This first Module will highlight the grand narrative of the shift from the love of power to the power of love, along with its implications for our lives and the world. You’ll:

Learn what it truly means to be a love-powered evolutionary
See how what others have called the Great Turning is really a Great Awakening
Understand this awakening as a rite of passage, and how you can best meet the challenges of your initiation
Recognize love as an organizing principle
Balance power and love in your life and in the world
Re-envision your role as an imaginal cell in the body politic
Align your personal growth with evolution’s natural direction, enhancing everything you do
Expand your perspective into Big-Picture Thinking
Module 2:
Uniting Masculine and Feminine: From Struggle to Harmony

At the foundation of a new era is a rebalancing of gender at every level, from our hearts to our world. In the last era, dominance and control often prevailed over true cocreation. In this module, you’ll:

Travel from his-story to our-story: see the long view of our collective childhood from birth to adolescence
Learn about Masculine and Feminine archetypes: how they play within and without
Discover 4 gender “valences” and how they effect you
Fully appreciate the costs of the lost feminine to society
Embark on new forms of relationship in the partnership society
Move into co-creation between masculine and feminine, seeing how both are necessary
Balance your own masculine and feminine
Find new levels of intimacy through authenticity
Approach relationship as the yoga of an awakened heart
Module 3:
Embracing the Earth as the Sacred Ground of the New World

Transformation is a lofty ideal, but it has to take place on the earth plane. And that’s right where we need it. But we have to be able to embrace the earth plane in order to manifest a new world here. Grounding thus becomes an essential value in one’s personal life, and in our collective values. In this session, you will learn all about the grounding aspects of the root chakra, its relevance to personal and collective survival, and how to harness its power for the health and wealth of us all. You’ll:

Rediscover the Great Mother, birthing a new world from the womb of nature
See how the first chakra is related to survival, personally and collectively
Consecrate the ground of our bodies and the earth as sacred
Give back to the earth by sowing seeds for health and wealth
Transform the shadow of materialism to sustainable abundance
Appreciate sacred economics and how new economies are forming beneath the radar
Practice staying grounded and manifesting greater abundance
Enrich your field by enhancing the value of what you have
Module 4:
Expanding Your Visionary Capacity to Design a New World

A new world is already forming right before our eyes. Outside the media’s constant portrayal of violence and corruption, a new vision is taking shape held in the minds of a growing number of people. Seeing this vision together is essential for being able to navigate our way into the future. You’ll:

Break through limited thinking by opening to the infinity of the cosmos
Enliven the power of the third eye chakra to enhance your visionary capacities
Find proper alignment through your chakras to enhance inner guidance
“See” as an active principle of creation, putting the “I” and the “mage” back together for imagination
Become an artist with reality, using your visionary paintbrush to see a whole new world
Learn how to bring more beauty into your life and enhance the beauty that is there
Receive meditation techniques for bringing light into your subtle body for an inner luminescence
Module 5:
Reclaiming Your Sensuality to Get Back in Touch

After opening your vision and divine connection in the higher chakras, you’ll need to balance that in the body with opening to your natural capacity for pleasure and expansion. When sexuality and sensuality were rendered “bad” or immoral, we lost a vital sense of being in touch, with ourselves, and each other. This module focuses on how to regain your felt sense of what is pleasurable and healthy and return to the natural flow of vital energy in the body. You’ll

Rediscover the Power of Touch: what happened to sensuality and sexuality and what was the cost?
Embrace the watery realms of the second chakra and learn to open to more flow in your life
Cultivate more pleasure in your life for greater health and joy
See how to make the world a lot more fun and pleasurable for everyone
Feel your way by melting through the hard stuff and finding your way to ease and grace
Practice simple movement exercises to release stiffness and blocked emotions
Bless the sacredness of water and what flows through you
Recognize the state of water in our world – our most precious commodity and sacred substance
Module 6:
Embodying the Full Spectrum of Your Divinity to Create Miracles in Your Life and the World

We are all part of a grand symphony of co-creation––with each other and with the divine. Our spiritual “practices” help us to play well together, just like musicians in an orchestra must practice in order to play well. The complete spectrum described by the chakra system gives us a profound map for our wholeness and a template for global transformation. When we engage in practices that align our inner chakras, miracles are possible. In this Module, you’ll:

Learn to operate from your deep center
Embrace your core as the gateway to your inner Divinity
Align with your life purpose and harvest your divine destiny
Relate to the divine in 4 ways: immanence and transcendence, invocation and evocation
Create a portal between the inner and outer world by activating seven archetypal elements as points of connection and influence.
See how the seven chakras balance and sustain each other for dynamic wholeness and awakened power
Open to miracle making by learning essential steps to creating what is highest and best for all
Practice keeping your alignment and activating your chakras
Integrate in the heart – the center of the chakra system
Module 7:
Living from an Awakened Heart Personally and Globally

The spiritual center of the heart is the ultimate destination, formed by the Sacred Marriage– the synthesis of spirit and body, heaven and earth, masculine and feminine. Power ruled by ego is a kind of tyranny, both to yourself and to others, while power guided by vision and love can have an unstoppable potency. Heart-based principles of cooperation and perpetual reciprocity are evident everywhere in nature, but how do we bring these principles into our everyday life? In this module, you’ll:

Understand the fourth chakra principles of integration and balance
Open to the element air: using the breath for enhanced well being and expansion
Harness love as an organizing principle to guide your life
Integrate Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine for the archetypal Partnership known as the Sacred Marriage
Embrace the result of the Sacred Marriage: the Divine Child of the Future
Understand and enhance the field of your heart by connecting with Global Heart coherence
Take it outward by becoming a Love-Powered Evolutionary
The Love-Powered Evolutionary Bonus Collection

In addition to Anodea Judith’s transformative 7-Module course you’ll also receive these powerful training sessions with the world’s leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions are being offered to further complement what you’ll learn in the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Anodea Judith – The Love – Powered Evolutionary on sensecourse.live


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