
Hale Dwoskin – Sedona Method – Financial Liberation

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Most of us desire to have more wealth and success in our lives. Even if we feel like we have enough, we often do not allow ourselves to create what we choose with ease.

Author: Hale Dwoskin



Hale Dwoskin – Sedona Method – Financial Liberation

Hale Dwoskin - Sedona Method - Financial Liberation

Financial Liberation Retreat


Note: This Retreat will either be live in person or changed to a live video broadcast with appropriate streaming times and dates. We will notify those enrolled and update this webpage if  changes occur.

Most of us desire to have more wealth and success in our lives. Even if we feel like we have enough, we often do not allow ourselves to create what we choose with ease. Through self-inquiry, The Sedona Method, and Holistic Releasing, you can move past the noise of the world and the mind. You’ll discover your own answers, your own wisdom, and your own direct experience of your Beingness.

The Financial Liberation Retreat is dedicated to showing you how to dissolve the blocks to creating, maintaining, and enjoying effortless wealth and success so you can have profound and lasting shifts in awareness, deepening your experience of that which is always, effortlessly, present.

The retreat includes our newest Sedona Method process, The Free Way. It is easy to use and incredibly powerful on every level. It causes spontaneous laughter, peace, love, and joy, and opens you to living as the natural state of Beingness.

With The Free Way, you simply allow yourself to perceive whatever appears to be limiting “you” from the perspective of that which has never been limited. As you do this all else dissolves revealing profound light and clarity. From this perspective it becomes harder and harder to hold onto what just a moment ago may have seemed an unsolvable issue or an un-releasable limitation.

So, if you are ready to breakthrough on every level to a totally new way of being, join us on this September Retreat.

I look forward to being with you in Sedona!



Hale Dwoskin – Sedona Method – Financial Liberation on sensecourse.live